From 29th December to 5th January 2025, the magic takes the streets of Andorra la Vella over. Activities for all ages, large-scale travelling shows, great decorations and experiences to enjoy with the five senses. Awaken the magic inside you with us!

  29 November, opening:

 6:00 p.m. Turning on the Christmas lights of the parish accompanied by the Andorra la Vella Institute of Music Band, the Andorran gegants (giants) and the Christmas Village Menairons.

 7:30 p.m. Opening and turning on the Christmas Market lights at the Plaça del Poble with the Andorran Petits Cantors choir and the Andorra la Vella Institute of Music Band participation. Enjoy the music while drinking hot chocolate!

 8:00 p.m. Fireworks.


  30 November:

 8:30 p.m. Premiere of Pitavoles, the new choreography for the music and water show at Paseo de les Fonts de la Rotonda.


Inici Christmas

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Andorra la Vella es torna a omplir de màgia amb el Poblet de Nadal, del 29 de novembre al 5 de gener

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Obert el termini d’inscripció per al Mercat del Poblet de Nadal

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Darrer cap de setmana d’activitat al Mercat de Nadal

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